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AgLaunch Innovation


Farming is changing rapidly. We all know the  role of data, conservation, direct-to-end user  markets, and traceability are the future, but  farmers are often left figuring it out on their own.  The AgLaunch Farmer Network connects  farmers with startup companies and specialty  crop opportunities to beta test ideas, offer  feedback, and, ultimately, increase farm  efficiencies and earning power.

Value-Added Projects

Our value-added projects focus on creating local opportunities for farmers in the regions that each member organization serves, while building national business development prospects.


AgLaunch has created a national mentorship network supporting new startups, as well as building a pipeline of talent ranging from education opportunities to workforce. Together, we have devised tactics that can be replicated in counties that meet the needs of agricultural businesses.


Through field trials, farmers have access to the most innovative and cutting-edge technology in the world.

Digital Acre

The Digital Acre is a trialing site that is much smaller than the large- scale farmer sites in terms of acres.  This site is used as a base location to reference the large- scale farmer trials and uses most products of AgLaunch’s startup companies that can fit and relate to this base site.