Farming is changing rapidly. We all know the role of data, conservation, direct-to-end user markets, and traceability are the future, but farmers are often left figuring it out on their own. The AgLaunch Farmer Network connects farmers with startup companies and specialty crop opportunities to beta test ideas, offer feedback, and, ultimately, increase farm efficiencies and earning power.
The AgLaunch Farmer Network members collaborate with entrepreneurs to test innovative pre-commercial technologies and specialty crops on their farms. Connections forged through the network are creating more opportunities for farmers to engage with and own novel investment models, data monetization, and new production practices.
The AgLaunch Farmer Network is a group of like–minded, innovative farmers who actively incubate startup ideas in agriculture. The Network places farmers at the center of agtech innovation by connecting them with startups. Farmers collaborate with entrepreneurs to test cutting–edge technologies and innovation platforms on their own farms. The Farmer Network opens doors for further investment opportunities, data monetization, and innovative practices.
AgLaunch Farmer Network members provide multi-year farm trials to help scale new technologies and vertical integration opportunities. Farm trials are coordinated by the AgLaunch Farm Team who are industry professionals with experience in crops, livestock, and agtech and can include small scale plot work through thousands of acres across multiple crops, soil types, climate zones, and production systems including livestock and specialty crops.
The Data Commons will speed the time to market and increase likelihood of success for early stage agricultural startups, by giving them access to aggregated data from across multiple farmers that are part of AgLaunch Farmer Network.